Saturday, January 28, 2012

Welcome to the third quarter!

I've said it before and I will say it again: this year is passing at warp speed. I can't get over the fact that we are at the halfway point of the year. The curriculum will continue to get more challenging, to prepare the students for first grade.

In reading, we are focusing more on fluency--reading words and sentences correctly, quickly, and with understanding. The students have learned about setting, characters, and the plot of a story. We will continue to review these concepts, as they are essential for quality comprehension.

This week, we focused on the book "Farfallina and Marcel." With the book, we studied how animals change. Farfallina changed from a caterpillar to a butterfly and Marcel, the gosling, grew into a goose. The two became unlikely friends and looked out for one another.

In math, the students have enjoyed playing "Top It." We divide a deck of cards into 2 stacks--diamonds/hearts and spades/clubs. The students select a card from each stack and the child with the hightest numbered card "wins" the pair. It is a fun way to compare numbers--the students ask to play each day! We are also practicing counting back. This skill is essential for basic subtraction, which we will be starting soon!

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