Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Baseball Season!

Before I start talking about school, I have one thing to say. Go Reds!

This has been a very productive week in class. The students are really doing well with addition. I am impressed with how quickly they are learning this skill. Great job boys and girls!

We have now concluded whole-group Read Well (small groups will continue). Next week we will be focusing on reading comprehension strategies. This is a skill that we will emphasize throughout the rest of the school year.

Today is science Friday. We studied baby animals and the ways in which they are similar/different from their parents. Each child received a baby animal dictionary and mini-book which they will bring home with them today. The class enjoyed their new books.

Please review the school rules at home with your son/daughter. "Brantner Cardinals are respectful, responsible and safe."

We are now on day two of the fourth quarter. April's calendar is coming home today. Be sure to note that we will now have library for our cultural arts classes.

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend. And again, Go Reds!