Thursday, October 11, 2012

Happy October!

I am amazed that it is already October!  September went by so fast!  Please remember that we have outdoor recess unless it is raining or under 32 degrees.  Layers are a great choice for students on chilly days.

I am so impressed with how quickly the students have learned the school rules--they have been getting many compliments from other teachers, parent volunteers, and the principal!  Great job boys and girls!  Both classes have earned their first set of Cardinal Cards for good choices.  Each class got an extra 15 minutes of recess as a reward!

In math, we are focusing on groups that are equal, fewer, and greater.  We are also practicing writing our numbers.  In three weeks, students will be assessed on the ability to write the numbers from 1-20.  Please practice at home from time to time to reinforce this skill.  In literacy, the students are doing a phenomenal job identifying characters and setting.  We are working on identifying the first sounds and final sounds in words.  Letter writing practice is part of our daily routine and we are also learning about the fundamentals of sentence writing.

Reminder: there is no school for students tomorrow, 10-12-12.  The teachers will be in trainings all day.  See you next week!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Letter names and sounds

Hi kindergarten parents!  We are halfway through the first quarter.  This means that quarterly testing will soon begin.  Two of the most important skills that will be assessed are letter names and letter sounds.  Students will be required to name all 26 letters--lower and upper case.  The sounds for each letter will be tested as well.  Starfall and SuperWhy are great web resources to review/practice these skills.  I also recommend using alphabet cereal as a good tool to help students name the letters.