Friday, November 25, 2011

Turkey Time

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends!

Last week, the students showed off their creativity by making hand-print turkeys. The students practiced counting back from 5-0 while acting out "Five Little Turkeys"--they were so excited to pretend to be our little feathered friends!

We reviewed letters/sounds of: a, m, t, s, and p. We also practiced counting to 20 and identifying the following shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, and hexagon. Next week we will begin studying 3-D shapes and learning about hibernation. While we study hibernation, we will be celebrating the fact that the students earned 15 Cardinal Cards for great behavior! We will have pajama day on Tuesday, 11/29 ("B" day) and Wednesday, 11/30 ("A" day).