Saturday, October 29, 2011

It's nearly November...

Wow--the first quarter ends on Friday, 11/4/11. The year is moving quickly! Report cards will be sent home for "A Day" students on Nov. 9, and "B Day" students on Nov. 10.

This week we have really emphasized the letter names and sounds for a, m, and t. Next week we will add "s" as a focus letter/sound. The students are beginning to blend letter sounds together to "sound out" words.

We introduced "informational text" with the nonfiction big book, Flowers. I am impressed with how well the students recalled facts from the text. We also focused more on comparing and contrasting. The boys and girls are picking this concept up with ease! Way to go kindergarten smarties!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

News and Notes

Four day weeks go so quickly! We had a busy week in room 201. We have now learned the correct way to write all of our numbers from 1-10 (always top to bottom). This is an essential skill and will be tested throughout the year. Please practice at home on rainy days, or whenever your child says the words "I'm bored." I know how parents love to hear that phrase. :)

While we were practicing our number formation, we read some fun counting books. In the picture above Mrs. Capps reads a book aloud, while students act out the story. This is always fun and we will do this many times throughout the year!

In reading, we studied the book Dig, Dig, Digging and discussed the ways that machines help people do their work. I was impressed with the many ways the students identified. We also focused on the letters m, t, and a. We emphasized the sound they make and identified words that begin with these sounds.

Many of you have been wondering if we have a Halloween party in class. This is not one of the events that we celebrate in class, though we will do some fun Halloween-themed activities this coming week. In kindergarten we have two parties--December holidays (the day before December break) and Valentine's Day. If you would like to help with either of these events, please let me know. The more, the merrier!