This week the students learned how to write the letters n, o, p, q, and r. Their handwriting is improving by leaps and bounds!
In math we practiced subitizing and counting. I have pronounced the students "Super Duper Subitizers!" They are quickly learning to name how many without counting using the dots on dice and dominoes.
In reading we learned about characters (the people in the story) and setting (the places in the story) as we read books from the always funny "Froggy" series of books.
The students are enjoying their reading groups. They will be bringing home the magazines from Read Well as they pass each unit. These are great materials to have at home for extra practice.
Today, Mrs. Owens, visited our class to work on motor skills. (See photo above.) The class enjoyed her visit and we are hoping to have her return on Fridays as her schedule permits.