Hi all!
This week we continued to study 2-D shapes. We examined attribute blocks and sorted them in a variety of ways: shape, color, size (small or large) and thickness (thick or thin). We also began discussing patterns. Our class will continue to study patterns, shapes and sorting throughout the year.
We are practicing writing sentences as a class. The students' goals are to begin sentences with a capital letter, put two finger spaces between their words, and end sentences with a period.
Our morning class is enjoying music. Today they "wowed" me with their version of "5 Fat Turkeys" with Mrs. Walters. They were adorable singing and dancing together.
The afternoon class is having a great time in gym with Mrs. D'Argis. Each time I pick them up, the students are eager to share what activity they participated in that day. Yesterday, they were pretending to be squirrels running between two trees.
Just a reminder: next week is a 3-day week. We will have school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be off on Thursday and Friday to celebrate Thanksgiving.