The students have now learned the correct way to write the letters a-w. Next week we will complete the alphabet and then we will move on to writing words and sentences!
In math we introduced reading the numbers 1-9. We also began using "5 Frames" to subitize, count and match. "5 Frames" are tools that we will use to help us learn throughout the year.
In reading the students learned that the term "events" means things that happen in a book. The students did a wonderful job identifying important events in the books we read this week.
Last night, Brantner had a special presentation called "Bats!" This was presented by the Cincinnati Museum Center's Karen Venetian. Miss Karen (pictured) shared many facts about bats with us. I was so excited about all of the things that she brought to share, particulary the two live bats!!!! What a great evening.